Sunday, March 20, 2011

Huckleberry Finn page 164-200

             Huck admires Colonel Grangerford, the master of the house, and his supposed gentility. Everyone in the household treats the colonel with great courtesy. One day, Buck tries to shoot a young man named Harney Shepherdson but misses. Huck asks why Buck wanted to kill Harney, and Buck explains that the Grangerfords are in a feud with a neighboring clan of families, the Shepherdsons. Later, Huck’s slave valet leads Huck deep into the swamp and tells Huck he wants to show him some water-moccasins. Huck finds Jim there, much to his surprise. Jim says that he followed Huck to the shore the night they were wrecked but did not dare call out for fear of being caught.  In the woods, Huck finds Buck and a nineteen-year-old Grangerford in a gunfight with the Shepherdsons. Both of the Grangerfords are killed. Deeply disturbed, Huck heads for Jim and the raft, and the two shove off downstream. Huck and Jim continue down the river. On one of his solo expeditions in the canoe, Huck comes upon two men on shore fleeing some trouble and begging to be let onto the raft. The men do not know each other but are in similar predicaments.  The younger man used to sell a paste that was meant to remove tartar from teeth but that took off much of the enamel with it. He fled to avoid the locals’ ire. The older man used to run a temperance revival meeting but had to flee after word got out that he drank. Having heard each other’s stories, the two men, both professional con artists, decide to team up. These two men tell Jim and Huck that they are royalty, but Huck knows that they are liars, but doesn't tell because he does not want quarrels.

           I thought that the reunion of Huck and Jim was nice, because it relieved some tension because you would not know if Jim was captured or if he was still running around free. I thought that the part about the two con artists were funny how the guy sold tooth paste that damaged the enamel of teeth. I also thought that it was funny how Jim and Huck at first called the two con artists,  “Duke” and “Your Majesty.”

1 comment:

  1. I like your responses here, Nick. It's always been one of my favorite books, but most students find a lot of different reasons to get turned off to it. I'm glad to see you're sticking with it.
