Sunday, March 13, 2011

Huckleberry Finn page 74-100

          Huck and Jim then decide that they need a hiding place on the island in a case that some visitors come onto the island. They take all of their items onto the shore and put it inside a cave. Then there is a big storm that comes through, and it is very rainy, and the river floods. Jim and Huck also, see a boat house go past in the river and inside the boat house there is a dead body of a man who was shot in the back. From the house boat, Jim and Huck take the valuable things and make their way back to the island hidden inside the canoe. Then Huck decides that it would be important that he goes onto the shore to try and figure out some information. Jim will only let Huck go if he disguises himself as a girl, so that no one would notice Huck. After practicing his girl impressions he makes his way to the Illinois shore to gather some information. When Huck makes his way to the shore he finds a woman that appears to be forty years old and she is a newcomer so that she would not recognize Huck. Talking to the lady, Huck finds out that there is a bounty for Jim, and also that Pap was a suspect in the murder of Huck. Also, because Pap ran away fearing for his own life, there is now a bounty for Pap now too. The woman also says that her husband and a friend are going to look for Jim on the island because they saw smoke coming from it. Then finally when Huck made it back to the island he made a decoy campfire and he told Jim that they had to leave the island as soon as possible. Then they packed all of there things and set off down the river in their raft.

          I was very surprised with Jim and Huck's quick thinking into creating a disguise for Huck to go on the shore and gather information about what is happening. Also, I think that Jim is almost fatherly because he did not allow Huck to see the face of the dead man inside of the houseboat. I was also surprised that they had switched the blame of Huck's murder from Jim, a runaway slave, to Pap, Huck's white dad. I thought that at this time period in history the people around Huck's area would have been very racist.

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