Friday, February 4, 2011

The Road 1-33

       The two main characters in this book are a man and a boy. The man is the father of the boy, and he is always protecting his son. In this book these two characters are trying to make their way south, because they do not think that they can survive another winter in the North. The Man and  the boy only have a pistol, a cart, and a sack for important things. Also, on the cart there is a bike mirror so the man can make sure that no one is following them on the Road. The environment around the road is not very pleasing either, there is a lot of ash and everything is burnt, and whenever it snows, the snow is gray and full of ash. Also, it is very cold where they are right now, but the ground is too wet to make a fire. On their journey south, they stop by old gas stations and some old supermarkets. At one of the gas stations the dad, empties out some old oil cans so that he can use the oil for a lamp so that they can see at night. They also stop at an old abandoned house and they collect some blankets to keep warm in the frigid temperature. The man and boy then stop at a supermarket, where they find some old soft drink machines, and inside the man finds a Coca Cola and he gives it to the boy so he can become hydrated. Then, along the road the man finds the house where he had grown up as a young boy. The house brings back a lot of happy memories from his childhood, like Christmas and being with his family. At the end of this section of the book the man and the boy are trying to make their way up and over a mountain. The mountain path has snow that is a half a foot, and the man knows that if it snows any more that he will have to abandon the cart.

             I was very surprised that these two characters were able to handle themselves that well in these conditions. I am also wondering how these two people were able to survive this event that caused many people to die. They also have to go weeks, because sometimes they can't find food in some of the houses and stops along the road. I wonder how these two people will handle their encounter with something that tries to attack them. I also wonder if the father would give his life for his son, in a violent encounter with something dangerous.

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