Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Road 34-69

      This section of the book starts out with the father giving his son the last bit of hot chocolate when the man only takes heated up water. The man and the boy are still struggling in this part of the book, every day is the same for them, they wake up and they walk down the road in till night time, and they sleep. Also, when they are walking it is very cold and every once and a while it starts snowing, and when it snows there is about a half a foot of snow. The man and boy also find a pool of water that they clean themselves in, but they can't stay there that long because the man is afraid that it will attract an enemy to the water. After they pass the river they find some mushrooms to eat, which was a good thing because they had gone without food for days. The man and the boy also encountered this trailer that was wedged in between the highway railings. The boy thought that there might be some food inside of it, so the man went on top of the trailer, but inside of the trailer was just dead people. The man and boy also saw a man that looked like he was burnt looking and he was walking with a limp. They could not do anything to help this poor man, the father thought that he might have been struck by lightning because his clothes and body was burned. The man also had a dream about his wife and how she left him after the earth had been scorched like this, she told him that they were all going to die. Then the man and boy encountered some survivors of this apocalyptic event, and they were driving in a truck. These men all had rifles and about 150 gallons of fuel. One man had come up where the father and son had been hiding because he had to go to the bathroom. The man was being questioned by the father, when the man drew a knife on the child. The father then had to save his son so he shot the enemy and killed him. The Father and son then only had one bullet left in his gun.

      I thought that this was a good section in the book. One reason is that the Father is not afraid to protect his son, because he was able to shoot the man in the truck when he tried to stab the son. Also, the father seems to know what is best for him and his son, because he knew that he could not save the burnt man, and he would have only wasted food and water on him. Also, the father tried to comfort his son by telling  him stories about how the world was before this apocalyptic event.

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