Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Road 161-200

            After they get out of that bunker the man and child first stop on a hill because the man does not think that anyone else would want to stop on a hill. They also have seen this traveler that has been barely able to survive on the road and he is walking with a limp. This man was carrying a old army rucksack and he was walking with a cane. When the man and the boy encountered this man, the traveler thought that they might be trying to rob him. The traveler was also very surprised to see a boy that had survived this long after the apocalyptic event. The boy wanted to help out this poor old man by giving him some of the food that they had come by. They decided to give him a tin of fruit cocktail. The boy also wanted the man to let their new guest to eat dinner with them. The man asked the traveler some question like, "do you wish you could die?" The traveler replied, "No. But I might wish I had died. When you're alive you've always got that ahead of you." They then parted ways because the man did not want to use anymore of their food on this stranger, also partly because the old traveler could not keep up with their pace. One night the man woke coughing, and he realized that the boy was not there. The man grabbed for his pistol, when he saw the boy running towards him, and the boy had just seen a real train. They both then made their way to the train, and the man said that some people probably used it till it had no more fuel to get to the coast. They then continued down the road and made their way into a town. As they were leaving the town three men stepped out with pipes and tried to rob them, but the man pulled out his gun on them. The three men then stepped away because they did not want to be killed. The boy wanted some food and he thought that someone had been following them. So both of them quickly made their way up a cliff overlooking the road. During the night the man saw four travelers on the road, three men and one woman that looked to be pregnant. The man and boy waited till they thought there was enough distance between the other travelers and they left and passed through a town.

            I think that this section was really good because it showed some traits about human nature. It showed how kind and innocent the little boy was, because he always wants to help people, and he gives strangers food that seem to be in need. On the other hand the man is just looking out for his and his son's safety and trying to conserve all of their food so they can eat it only when they need it. I would agree with what the man does because he can't go into everything oblivious he has to be a little bit paranoid because he does not know who his friends and enemies are, besides his son. I also, think that the man would help everyone that he could, but he is smarter than that and knows that their is a limited supply of food on this charred planet.

1 comment:

  1. Thoughtful responses to The Road here, especially the observations you're making about the man's position. That guy is so smart.

    There was a first edition of one of Cormac McCarthy's books on Antiques Roadshow tonight. It was a fake, only worth $100.
