Monday, February 21, 2011

The Defector 1-21

       This book starts out with this man named Pyotr Luzhkov, and he is about to be killed. This man has been beaten very severely and he was shirtless and shoeless in the snowy woods of Russia. Then the focus switches to a man named Grigori and he has an interest in Chess. Grigori also has a lot of enemies that want him dead. He was in a tournament and he dominated everyone he played against, and he even beat the champion from last year tournament, in the semi-finals. When Grigori was making his way to the Finals match he seemed troubled and walked at a much faster pace and Chess was no longer on his mind. The man who Grigori was supposed to play in the finals, Simon Finch, was waiting forever and was wondering what could have happened to his opponent. Then the focus of the book switches from Russia to Italy. Guido Reni is talked about in the book and he is an artist that restored paintings. Another character is mentioned in the section, Gabriel Allon, and he is an artist, an assassin, and a spy. At the end of this section Gabriel receives an email saying that the Chief of Special Operations wants to meet with Gabriel immediately. Then he replied and within 90 seconds he got another email saying that they are looking forward to seeing him.

       I thought that so far this book is a little bit confusing. I can't really follow how many characters the author has already introduced, especially with their hard to read Russian names. I liked at the start how the Author used the attention grabber of the character Pyotr Luzhkov and how he was already killed within a few pages of the book for some sort of problem he has created. This book already contains a lot of action with the execution at the start and how Grigori has gone missing from Russia. I also like how Gabriel Allon sent an email and within 90 seconds he already received a reply.

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