Monday, February 28, 2011

The Defector 22-60

          This part of the book just introduces you to the main character Gabriel Allon, and his current setting in the Villa dei Fiori. Gabriel is a trained special ops agent, but he prefers to be left alone and he likes to remake paintings. He meets his old friend Uzi Navot, and Uzi is talking to Gabriel about "The Office". The office is a special agency set in Israel trying to weed out terrorists. During these two characters meeting the reader gets some insight on their background together including some missions that went wrong in Moscow. During this meeting Uzi tells Gabriel why he is there, and Uzi is there because he has to inform Gabriel that Grigori Bulganov is gone. Uzi tells Gabriel everything he knows about the kidnapping. Gabriel remembers the promise that he made Grigori, that he would he would not end up in an unmarked grave. Grigori is concerned about this because that is what the Russians do to traitors as punishment, kill them and put them in an unmarked grave. Uzi asked if Gabriel could help him, but Gabriel said that he still needed to finish his painting, and he requested three days to do this. Uzi left Gabriel with two bodyguards, Judea and Samaria. When Gabriel gets back to his place to finish up the paintings he informs his wife about the problem that has come up. Gabriel tells her how he has to go save his good Russian friend Grigori. Gabriel then was able to sneak out of painting and travel from Italy all the way to London, England. He deceived his bodyguards with the help of his wife. When he got to London he met with Graham Seymour and with Graham, Gabriel watched video footage of Grigori going into the car that took him. Immediately after Griori stepped into the car two people went to where Grigori was standing. Gabriel believed Grigori stepped into the car so willingly because he thought the other two people were assassins.

            So far I'm liking this book how Gabriel is really on his own and doesn't really take orders from many people. He didn't listen to his friend Uzi and stay put with the two body guards. I also like how Gabriel is a honest man and how he is willing to put his life in danger to keep his promise with his old friend Grigori. Gabriel also seems to have a lot of talents in the field and at his own house.

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