Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Road 251-287

       The Boy's sickness was finally over, and he did not remember anything about being sick. The man and boy kept looking up and down the beach searching for anything of use. One day the man noticed that their tarp had gone missing, so he quickly grabbed his pistol and went looking for the cart. Once they realized that that had been stolen they went looking for this thief along the road. When they got to the road the boy was the first person to find the thief, and the thief tried to run but he was too tired and weak. When the man and boy confronted the thief, he was holding a knife, but backed away from the cart afraid of the gun. The man then made the Thief remove everything he owned, the knife and clothes and put them in the cart. They then left the Thief for dead. The man and boy then set off down the road towards a small port town. The man went on looking for some vitamin D for the boy, so that he did not get rickets. As they were walking back into town something went wizzing past the man's head, they then quickly hid under a blanket. While they were under the blanket the marksman shot another arrow and it hit the man's leg. He then limped out from under cover and he shot the flaregun into the shooters window and he lit the marksman on fire. After the man killed the bowman, the man went into cover with the boy. The man told the boy to get the First-aid kit, and when the man recieved it he sutured up his leg after disinfecting it. They then set off onto the road and left that small port town. A few days later and nights of the man coughing up blood and waking up the boy with a lot of noise, the man fell ill. Then eventually the man died, the boy had stayed close to him, crying for about three days. Then the boy went out to the road and he saw someone coming down the road. It was a man carrying a shotgun and he said that he was a good guy. The new man said that he had a lot of food and there were some kids with him about his age. After the boy said his last goodbyes to his father he left with the stranger.

        I thought that this book had a good, but said ending. I thought that it was nice that the boy did not have to conquer the open desolate wastelands by himself but instead with a big group that had a lot of food. Also, because the boy would be able to have friends near his age and he would be able to talk to a lot of new people. The sad thing was that the boy's dad died at the end, although it was only a matter of time before he passed because the entire book he was coughing up blood. I would recommend this book to someone because it is a good story about family and it is a quick read.

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